Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Moroccan Recipe: Ghassoul clay mask (face)

Hey loves!
This morning I woke up with yucky skin: dilated pores, baby whiteheads etc.
All that stress must have gotten to my skin so I decided to treat it to a purifying clay mask in pure Moroccan tradition!
Coucou mes jolies!Ce matin j'ai vu que mon grain de peau était très irrégulier avec plein d'imperfections.  J'ai donc décidé d'une intervention en urgence: le fameux masque ghassoul purifiant bien de chez nous.
I love the brand Tiyya because their Ghassoul is infused with Eucalyptus essential oils ^_^

It's normal to feel the skin is hot or even reddish after using this; it means the clay's astringent properties are working.
C'est normal de sentir une chaleur ou des rougeurs après utilisation de ce masque, les qualités drainantes et astringentes de l'argile se font sentir.
One spoon Ghassoul, a little water and mix it! voilà!
This Ghassoul already has essential oils so I just poured water.
If you have plain ghassoul, you can mix with rosewater, you can also add tee tree oil or spearmint oil :)
Afterwards, I clean my face with a muselin cloth
Video Tutorial (click video below)
Stay Glamorous!


  1. Hey! Ghassoul Mask is magical.. It's my wednesday routine! Love it..

    1. awesome!
      I have a Monday routine (for nasty work days) and a Sunday routine because I relax in the weekends.
      Maybe it's time to add a Wednesday routine just to break the week..

  2. I did the same last week end. But I usually use it for my hair http://lamirose.blogspot.fr/2013/03/des-soins-naturels-pour-mes-cheveux.html
